Who we are?
Jesus Alcober
Jesus Alcober received a PhD degree in telecommunications from the UPC in 1997. He is a co-founder of Alteraid SL, currently its CEO, and associate professor in UPC. In 2011, he attended the Ignite Program in the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL) in Cambridge Judge Business School.
During the last 10 years he has been the lead researcher in several “Spanish National Plan” projects. He has taken active part in many national and international research projects such as HIPERMED (HIgh PERformance teleMEDicine platform), as a WP leader, or TIFANIS (Tele-immersion for applications supporting new interactive services). He is also currently the AENOR CTN71 Chairman of the ISO SC6 Subcommittee "Telecommunications and information exchange between systems". Additionally, he is the contact point from the international ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 to the Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things (JCA-IoT), which coordinates the ITU-T work on the “Internet of Things” including networks aspects of identification of things, and ubiquitous sensor network (USN).
His research interests are the Future Network and its advanced media services for managing the quality of life of people.
Juan López
Juan López is a Computer Science Engineer and holds Ph.D. also in Computer Science from the UPC-BarcelonaTech (Spain). He is co-founder and manager of the R&D department in Alteraid SL.
Additionally, he teaches at the Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering - EETAC. His research interests are embedded software architectures and distributed embedded systems (DES).
Toni Oller
Antoni Oller is is a Computer Science Engineer from the UPC-BarcelonaTech (Spain). He is co-founder and manager of the operations department in Alteraid SL. Additionally, he teaches at the Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering - EETAC.
His research interests are advanced media services for future internet.